Payment Gateway with Anti Fraud Tools

Buyers today expect convenience, simplicity, and a wide range of payment methods so they can choose. Payment by credit card is by far the most popular payment, and if a merchant does not do this, simply go elsewhere, consumers, competition is fierce.

Setting up a merchant account with our payment gateway enables suppliers of all major credit cards to be accepted into a website, including Visa, MasterCard and Visa Electron for UK customers. This allows the authorization, settlement and management of credit card transactions online. Internet sales can be managed around the world in a single payment gateway and the payments processed in real time.

Our payment gateway providers also have virtual terminal software, a payment terminal that allows you to accept orders by mail or by telephone if paid for any reason, the information can not be recovered from d ‘ a system based on the Internet. Therefore, transactions can be processed online or offline. Access to the payment gateway will ensure that all transactions are handled easily with all major banks and is available to dealers in all European countries.

Used by the gateway of our provider payment gateway is designed to be as friendly as possible, which gives absolute control over the payments and transactions, the ability to print the statement is always available. The system is very powerful and can handle multiple merchant accounts on one server. The system is capable of handling all major banks and several banks can be installed at a time.

Our payment gateway providers use the Address Verification (AVS), which confirms the identity of the credit card. The system works by the confirmation of the billing address of credit card is the same as in the application form will be kept at the bank issuing credit cards. Verification Code Security (MasterCard Secure Code and Verified by Visa) has been introduced to improve the security of internet payments. Basically it is 3 digits printed on the card or signature required by operators and to secure “card not present” transactions over the Internet, by phone, mail or fax. Due to the increase in attempted card fraud, it is now mandatory to provide this code when the cardholder is not present in person.

A fraud scheme, was designed with a high level of anti-fraud tools to detect and prevent fraudulent transactions, which contains more than 180 different characteristics of fraud. The system is designed to maximize the protection of an online business and is based on more than 7 years of experience and research. Using this research, the company has built a database for its results with many different types of fraud. Features include: intellectual property and game cards, general restrictions on the country, block map, restriction map, Time Frame Relay, tools to fight against identity theft and the tools to fight against phishing

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